Sunday, January 19, 2014

Host a House Party Today!

If you love to party and give away free stuff then this website is for you. Check out: I have hosted a few parties and what they require from you is next to nothing compared to the fun and free items you will receive. I have hosted parties for family, friends, non-profit organizations, and co-workers. Sign up at there website and start reading about the different parties that are going on right now. New parties are listed every week and open applications are always going on.

1. If you are chosen as a "Host" of a certain party you will receive a party pack in the mail at least a week before the "date" of the party itself.

2. Go through your party pack and post about it online on the website.

3. You can decide how you are going to host and distribute the party items you receive. I love hosting parties and giving away free items to my family and friends. This type of "advertisement" is out there, take advantage of it.

4. The manufactures love party animals like us. It is a win/win situation. We get to hang out with family and friends with supplies they provide and they get their items promoted. Who doesn't love new free things to try?

5. Here is the only catch: They require you to post a "group photo" of your party goers that day and take a few surveys that are minimal questions. Posting pictures and videos of your decorations and party activities is always a plus for future chances at be a "host" again.

Head on over to and read up about the next party opportunity.

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