Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sign up with Vocal Point Today!

What is Vocal Point you ask? Check it out Here:

Vocal Point is a community of women who share their feedback and experience on different products that your have sampled.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Get in the Grove with Jamberry Nails

Explore Jamberry Nails!

This new home party is paving the way to new ways to show off your nails. I personally have not had a party but have seen this in action and let me tell you it looks interesting.

When you get a chance, check it out:


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Host a Walgreens Good & Delish™ Awards Show House Party

House Party just opened up a new party to apply to host. This is Walgreens Good & Delish™. I personally am a big fan of Good and Delish products, this is a great chance to have a house party for friends, family, and coworkers and give away free products!